Hello Cheerful Children,

I was inspired to create this blog because of Evey's posts about her latest collections. I loved that she was going to our class blog and commenting about her summer and what she was up to. However, I wasn't able to comment back to her directly. So I got to thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and finally I decided to create a new blog designed solely for us to communicate over the summer.

Each of you has a post page listed under the words "blog archive". Simply click on your name, leave me a comment, and I'll comment back to you under your comment. It's that easy! What should you comment you say? Anything at all! Tell me what you have been doing, travels, adventures outside with friends, books you have found to be terrific, bike rides, collections, tragedies, mishaps, small moments, and fun facts. While your on the blog click on other kids names and see what they have been up to as well.

I can't wait to read what you all have to say.

Happy Blogging,
Ms. Rogers

Monday, June 22, 2009



  1. Dear ms.Rogers, I went on a hike and I found a toad. I also got a free book by reading 8 books and I got the free book at Barnes and Nobel. The book is called The Enormous Egg.

    Have you been on any hikes?

    From, Noah

  2. Hi Noah,
    So sorry that I didn't get back to you sooner. There was a "0" next to your name so I thought that meant that you hadn't commented. Now I need to check everyone's name!
    Lucky you found a toad. I've actually been looking for one to put in my vegetable garden. I have an idea of how to make a toad home so that it will stay and eat bad bugs!
    I haven't been on any hikes for a while because I hurt my ankle. I'm almost better now so I'm planning on hiking Camels Hump real soon. I have been riding my bike alot and of course water skiing!
    Glad to hear you won a free book for reading 8 others. Sign me up!!
    Take care Noah and say "Hi" to mom and dad for me.
    Ms. Rogers

  3. Hi Ms.Rogers I hope you find a toad. Bring a jar with you so if you find a toad you can put it in the jar. see ya next month from, Noah

  4. Hi Noah,
    Good advice about the toad Noah, thanks. I'm still trying to get rid of the woodchuck in my garden. It has eaten all of my beans and peas and some of my pumpkin and sunflower plants. Not only am I feeding the giant rodent but it lives under my barn as well! Free room and board.
    I went for a nice long bike ride this morning. Hope you're getting to ride your bike too.
    Ms. Rogers

  5. Dear Ms. Rogers, I have been bike riding.

    How are you going to get rid of the woodchuck? I hope he doesn't eat all of your plants. I have been growing tomato plants. Let's hope that a woodchuck doesn't come to my tomato plants and eat them!

    From, Noah

  6. Hi Noah,
    I think your tomato plants are safe. The woodchuck hasn't bothered my tomato plants. I don't think he likes the flavor! I have run out of ideas as to how to get rid of the varmit. Bill has taken to throwing baseballs at it. So far he hasn't hit it. I'm thinking I'll have to put up a fence. We're all going to a movie tonight and it's my turn to choose what we see, so we are going to Julie & Julia. Love the names!!!!
    See you soon.
    Ms. Rogers
